About Us
Target Markets

Social Networks

    • Are a place for users and groups to come together, share information, interact and make connections.
      • However all social networks still employ out of date discussion technology that limits users interactions to one on one conversations, and often not even in real-time.
    • Talkwheel will provide an intuitive discussion model built to facilitate group oriented conversations within their user base.


    • Individuals waste countless hours because of the ineffective static means of communication with colleagues.
      • Money is lost, along with diminished productivity.
      • Relevant information is buried in data.
    • Talkwheel fills the niche in organizations where instant message and email fail.
      • Improves communication with internal community
        • Keeps instant real-time contact among multiple coworkers working on the same project.
        • Seamlessly discuss issues or topics within an organization in privacy.
        • Provides large organizations a capable discussion model to bring all their members together.
      • Improve communication with external community
        • Form outside focus groups with customers/website visitors to consider subjects of interest to an organization, such as the feasibility of a new product or service.

Learning Management Systems

    • More and more classes are conducted over the internet
      • However online classes are hosted with extremely static email/forum technology.
        • Active class discussion is almost impossible
          • Student participation is almost zero
    • Talkwheel offers a real-time classroom dynamic discussion model to conduct online classes
        • Also offers a place to continue class started discussions
        • And promote discussions within the student body

Newspapers, Blogs, and Online Media

    • There are millions of articles and blogs on the web.
      • However current commenting systems are set up in such as way that individuals make one comment and never come back
    • Talkwheel provides a real-time discussion model to facilitate continued conversations sparked by these blogs and articles.