Talkwheel's Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I use Talkwheel?

A: Here is a brief video guide to Talkwheel narrated by future Hollywood star, Talkwheel's Joe Geraghty. (video)

Q: What browsers does Talkwheel work on?

A: Right now, Talkwheel works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer versions 6-8, and Rockmelt. We are waiting for IE9 to make some changes and are working on full functionality for Safari and Opera. We will update you on our progress via Talkwheel.

Q: I see Talkwheel is open to invited guests on the world-wide-web (WWW for short), are there privacy settings available?

A: We provide administrators the ability to restrict users to certain Subjects (grey bars). It is an easy process designed to make organizing conversations much more effective.

Q: Can Talkwheel be integrated with ____ (ex. Sharepoint, Blackboard, WebCT, Microsoft products)? Can I embed Talkwheel on my site?

A: Yes, Talkwheel was designed flexibly so it can be integrated with any software and embedded in any website.

Q: What hosting solutions does Talkwheel provide?

A: Talkwheel offers customers the ability to host Talkwheel on their own servers, in the cloud, or a hybrid solution combining a customer's server with the cloud. We provide all choices to accommodate the unique needs of each customer.

Q: I dig Talkwheel, but I would really love it if the wheel was fluorescent green, can you customize it?

A: Yes, Talkwheel's colors can be customized to match that of your business, country, school, etc. Other parts of Talkwheel are also customizable so you can add your own flavor to the design.

Q: Is Talkwheel mobile compatible?

A: Not yet. We are working to make Talkwheel viewable in your mobile browser as well as working to create a Talkwheel App for Android and IPhone. You will be the first to know when we have achieved these goals.

Q: I did not want to ask a single one of these questions.

A: First, I'm not sure if that qualifies as a question, but will get back to you on that. Second, if you have any other questions please sign on to the social Talkwheel and leave a question for us. If you are interested in trying out the product or getting a demo email Patrick Randolph at or Kirk Brown at